Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Hybrid encryption

A method of encryption that combines two or more encryption schemes and includes a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption to take advantage of the strengths of each type of encryption

symmetric encryption

A type of encryption where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. This differs from asymmetric (or public-key) encryption, which uses one key to encrypt a message and another to decrypt the message.


Short for Data Encryption Standard, a popular symmetric-key encryption method developed in 1975 and standardized by ANSI in 1981 as ANSI X.3.92. DES uses a 56-bit key and uses the blockcipher method, which breaks text into 64-bit blocks and then encrypts them

Symmetric-key cryptography

An encryption system in which the sender and receiver of a message share a single, common key that is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. Contrast this with public-key cryptology, which utilizes two keys - a public key to encrypt messages and a private key to decrypt them.
Symmetric-key systems are simpler and faster, but their main drawback is that the two parties must somehow exchange the key in a secure way. Public-key encryption avoids this problem because the public key can be distributed in a non-secure way, and the private key is never transmitted.
Symmetric-key cryptography is sometimes called secret-key cryptography. The most popular symmetric-key system is the Data Encryption Standard (DES).

cipher text

Data that has been encrypted. Cipher text is unreadable until it has been converted into plain text (decrypted) with a key.


The art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an unreadable format, called cipher-text. Only those who possess a secret key can decipher (or decrypt) the message into plain text. Encrypted messages can sometimes be broken by cryptanalysis, also called codebreaking, although modern cryptography techniques are virtually unbreakable.
As the Internet and other forms of electronic communication become more prevalent, electronic security is becoming increasingly important. Cryptography is used to protect e-mail messages, credit card information, and corporate data. One of the most popular cryptography systems used on the Internet is Pretty Good Privacybecause it's effective and free.
Cryptography systems can be broadly classified into symmetric-key systems that use a single key that both the sender and recipient have, and public-keysystems that use two keys, a public key known to everyone and a private key that only the recipient of messages uses.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Hide your message inside the Image

Hello, i am going to show you how to hide your secret message inside the image.

You can also visit to hide your file inside the image.

Let's Start.

Step 1: Create Message File

Open Notepad [Start >> Run >> Type "notepad" >> Enter]
Type your message which you want to hide in image and save it on deaktop.
Here i am saving my message in msg.txt file.

Step 2: Select Image

Now you have to select image in which you want to hide your message.
Copy that Image File on desktop. [Here i am copying 401.jpg image]

Step 3: Hide Message in image

Now Open Command prompt [Start >> Run >> Type "cmd" >> Enter]
Now type cd desktop then hit Enter.
Then Type copy /b 401.jpg + msg.txt hiddenmsg.jpg then Enter.

[Note : Here hiddenmsg.jpg is new image file which contain your message.
401.jpg is your image and msg.txt is text file
you have to change this file name in command as per your file name]

Step 4: Done

Thats it...!!! Now you can delete your old file [401.jpg and msg.txt]
Now you can see one new image file on your desktop name with hiddenmsg,jpg

Step 5: How you can see your Message

When you want to see your message which is hidden in your Image then Open that new Image file [hiddenmsg.jpg] with notepad.

How to Hide Files Inside Pictures

In this Instructable, I will show you how to hide files inside a picture file. They are almost undetectable, and can be made very hard to get.

You will need these things:
1) A picture to hide stuff in
2) Files to be hidden
3) A file compression software (I use 7-zip, which you can get here)
4) Command Prompt

You can not only hide files in pictures, but music files, videos, and just about anything else.

Step 1: Compressing the Files

The first thing you will do is make a new folder on the C drive. I will call this folder "x". Inside this folder, place the files to be hidden and the picture that will hide everything. The picture that will hide everything in it cannot have any spaces in the name, so I called it "Picture".

Step 2: Making a Zipped File

You will now make a compressed file. THIS IS ESSENTIAL!

Open your file compression software, and navigate to the folder you made. Make the files that will be hidden into a zipped file, and name it something simple, like "x".

I now have, in the "x" folder, a picture named "Picture.png" and a compressed file called "x.7z".

Step 3: Using CMD

Open CMD by going to Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt orStart, Run, and type CMD. Type the following into the window that pops up:


Press enter. Then type:

cd x

Press enter. Now, type the following, substituting the appropriate file and/or foler names:

copy /b Picture.png + x.7z NEWPICTURE.png

This is what everything means that you have just typed:
cd\: This takes the cmd to the C Drive.
cd x: This takes the cmd to the "x" folder in the C Drive.
copy /b: This makes a binary copy of the files Picture.png and x.7z.

Where it says HIDDEN FILES.png, you should put the name of the new picture with the same extension as the other picture that was copied (my other picture was a .png, so my new one is a .png).

If you did it right, then you should have a new picture saved in the "x" folder with whatever name you gave it. You can delete the original files you wanted hidden now.

Step 4: All Finished

There. Now you have a picture that has files hidden inside it. The picture can still be opened, although I do not know if it can be taken and edited, like in Adobe Photoshop. If someone can find out, please leave a comment to tell me.

To extract the files you put in the picture, open up your compression software and select the picture with the files inside it and extract them. A new folder will be created with the same name as the picture, and it will contain the files you hid.

If you want to take files to school and give them to a friend, this is a great way to do that, as the administrators, or "techies" as I call them, will not be able to find those files. Also, you do not have to hide only pictures and videos; you can hide text files, programs, sound files, and much more. You just have to make sure that they are compressed.

The only way that someone can tell if there are files inside a picture is if:
1) You tell them
2) They notice that your innocent picture of a bunny happens to be 4MB.

Other than that, you will have some undetectable files that you can cart arround with you, where ever you go.

How To Make A Link To Open 30 Time In A Single Click

Hello friends! As you all might have open your respective blogs already, Tell me what is the most difficult challenge in blogging? Probably (according to me) it's traffic ya. I mean other things like writing posts, designing a good blog, etc. comes under our knowledge, but getting plenty of traffic is really hard. Just we open a very informative blog but others don't see it, then what's that blog value?
It's a complete zero. So today I am going to unleash a very useful trick to you all. This tutorial will increase the pageviews of you blog by 4x. Can you believe that? You may not, but it's really the true fact. 
What are you waiting for. Procure below very fast.

(NOTE:You guys must have at least some traffic initially. This trick only work for those who have a bit traffic initially.)

What it does is that you will keeping a button with a link and as soon as somebody clicks on it your site will be opened at once in more than 30 tabs/windows. Now say me wont your site pageviews be boosted. Let's proceed then;

  • Go to your dashboard.
  • Be forwarded to design>layout.
  • Click on Add A Gadget in the place where you want to place the link.
  • Scroll down and click on Html/Javascript.
  • Copy the below code and paste it in the content box
function open_win() 


<input type="button" value="Click Here" onclick="open_win()" />

  1. Change " " to your own blog URL.
  • Finally click on save button and you are done.
You can also keep this button in a post or anywhere you desire. For it just paste this code by switching to HTML mode(for editors) and if it already then directly paste the code.You can use this trick while commenting in other blog

FB Post Answer......."PUZZLE":- Not Related to the Blog Readers...

Monica and Alexander Cermak like Violet. 

Daniella and Mathew BlackShop-AssistantsTrabantpink"Mulatka Gabriela""We Were Five"
Victoria and Owen KurilDoctorsSkodabrown"The Modern Comedy""Slovacko Judge"
Hannah and Stan HorricksAgriculturalistsMoskvicwhite"Dame Commissar""Mulatka Gabriela"
Jenny and Robert SmithWarehouse ManagersWartburgyellow"We Were Five""The Modern Comedy"
Monica and Alexander CermakTicket-CollectorsDaciaviolet"Shed Stoat""Grandfather Joseph"
Irene a Oto ZajacAccountantsFiatred"The Seadog""Shed Stoat"
Pamela and Paul SwainShoppersRenaultgreen"Grandfather Joseph""The Seadog"
Veronica and Rick DvorakTeachersZiguliblue"Slovacko Judge""Dame Commissar"

Monday, 14 April 2014

How To Automatically Shutdown Your PC After A Specific Time

Are you one of those people who downloading files from torrent or similar , fall asleep and leave your PC running all night ? You’re right to be concerned about shutting down your computer at night, it’s a huge energy drain . Here is simple software that will automatically shutdown your PC after specific time .
1) Download Scheduled Shutdown and install it to your PC
2)Run Scheduled Shutdown. Now Slide the Slider to a Specified Time Interval and Click Start.
3) It will starts the countdown until it finishes to Shutdown your Computer. You can Cancel anytime by Clicking Cancel Button.

How To Repair Detectable But Corrupt USB Drive

Have you suddenly encountered with the problem that when you plug in your USB drive, the Removable media shows up but when you try to open it, it returns with the message “Please insert a disk in to drive H:”.

If yes then you have been on right tutorial page.
By applying this simple method you’ll have 80 % chance to get back your USB drive hardware.
This works only in the above error condition. If the windows doesn’t detect your USB drive, then there is probably flaw in the USB media.
Please keep in mind that, you’ll have to lose your data when following this tutorial.
Plug in your USB drive.
Go to Start>My Computer, right click on My Computer icon and click on Manage menu.
Computer Management window will pop up. Click on Disk management under Storage tree menu.
Now at the right side of the window right click on your removable media. (unlike the image below, it will show unknown information), right click on your removable media and choose Change Drive Letter and Paths.
Now in new window choose any drive later that is not taken by any media (M:, N: , :K: etc).
Click on ok button and close the management window. Try opening your pendirve. There may be the chance to have your pendrive recovered if this method worked.
If the problem still prevails then follow the above tutorial but instead of choosing  Change drive letter and paths, choose Fomrat and give a quick format to it.
Now you’ll have finally lost your data but the pendrive is safe in your hands.
Hope this tutorial was working. If it didn’t please do comment me. I’ll find other solutions as well.

Creating Emergency Shortcut To Shutdown Windows

This tutorial might be useful to those who hate to use mouse to shutdown windows. With the combination of three keys you can easily shutdown your computer. In this tutorial, I am going to show you, how you can create a shutdown shortcut key.
In desktop Right click>New>Shortcut
A create shortcut window will pop up. In the input field type, “shutdown –s” (without quotes), as shown in the figure. Remember that there is space between shutdown and -s
Click on next.
In next window, name anything you want your shortcut name to be. I named it shutdown.Alternatively you can have no name for shortcut. Deleting all the text and clicking on finish button won’t help you to create blank shortcut name.
To make blank shortcut name, Hold down ALT and type 0160 (i.e. ALT+0160). This will give a blank name. Click on finis button. You’ll have your name less shortcut menu ready.
Finally you’ll have shutdown shortcut icon similar to the image below:
Now all you need to is add shortcut keys to it. To do so, right click on the shortcut icon that you’ve just created. Choose properties.
By default shortcut key is set to none. Click on the shortcut key input field. Hold down CTRL and press any key you want. I used CTRL+ALT+S.  Windows allows only the combination of CTRL+ALT to have a shortcut.
Now you are finally done.
Click on OK.
To test, Press CTRL+ALT+S (or any shortcut that you’ve given), following window will popup.
Press enter and sit back and relax until your system shuts down.
Hope this tutorial was a great help.

Tynt: A Best Way To Get Backlink From Your Content Thieves

Tynt: A best way to get backlink from content theives
Plagiarism is the most common sin that many blogger does.Now a days, Lots of blogs are taking birth day by day.So, You should be aware that many of the newbie bloggers doesn't have sufficient writing skills.So,they just try to copy paste post from big blogs to flood up there blogs.Usually this method doesn't bring any traffic but makes that blog to go even down.I also done these silly things while I entered blogging but ,I feel now when I used to spend hours to write and decorate my post but they copy and paste in there blogs without credits in few seconds.
So, Today I am going share , how to avoid plagiarism and get back links from content thieves using a script fromtynt .

What Is Tynt ?

Tynt is a free service tool used to get back link from your copied post and thus avoids plagiarism.Tynt inserts the page URL when your content is pasted into emails and social sites. Your traffic increases and SEO improves as more URLs become fixed links.

How To Use This Service ?

Just go to and click 'Get the code' button on top of the page.and fill up that simple form and click submit.Copy the code that you get immediately after signup.

How To Install This Script To Blogger?

  • Login to Blogger > Dashboard
  • Click on Drop Down Menu and select Template
  • Paste the code just above/before the closing of </head> tag.
  • Then , click on Save the Template.
  • Now, go back to that Tynt Code tab and click on test at the bottom of the page.
  • Then click on Continue.

How This Script Works ?

When a visitor copies a post or text from your blog and paste it any where else, an attribution link automatically appears after the your copied content. This is how it works. 

Your content :
The identity of the individual factors responsible for the content can be used to assess the impact of a search. 
Assuming that the agent (writer) has a high reputation score, represents the established reputation to create valuable content and then adds the content is signed by the author, will be promoted in the search results with respect to the content of no fixed agents (authors of content) or the content of agents ( content authors) with the reputation.


You can also customize your attribution link from your publisher dashboard or can add twitter page and facebook fan page.Now you can get unlimited back link without doing nothing!!!
This is looks pretty easy but very necessary trick for all type of blogs.Please share this post with your friends and say your view about this post.

Password Protect Your Blogger Or Wordpress Website Easily Catergories:- Blogger Protection

Protecting your blogger or wordpress blogs from spammers, clickers and other frauds have always been a major key point in any website designer life. If you are a blogger you will try to make your website safe from people you do not want to enter in your website or you do not want anyone to comment on your website, well I simply mean stopping unauthorized access to your website.
Well today we are going to teach you how you can easily add a password to your blogger or wordpress blog and when ever a person pumps in your websites address he will be greeted with a password prompt dialog, where he have to enter the password kept by you if he fails to enter the password then he will be redirected to your desired website.

1. Go to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML

2. Now press Ctrl + F and search for the </body> tag and add below code above it or you can add it to specific post or page.
var password = 'Password-Here'
password=prompt('Please enter the password to enter this site:','');
if (password != 'Password-Here') {
3. Now just press Save Template and refresh your blog to see the password asking popup.

Customizations :

You can change the password according to your wish, just change the letters in red color to your password. You can add any URL to which the visitor will be redirected if he enters the wrong password or cancel to add any password, just change the Blue line in the above code with your URL.