Friday 18 April 2014

How to Hide Files Inside Pictures

In this Instructable, I will show you how to hide files inside a picture file. They are almost undetectable, and can be made very hard to get.

You will need these things:
1) A picture to hide stuff in
2) Files to be hidden
3) A file compression software (I use 7-zip, which you can get here)
4) Command Prompt

You can not only hide files in pictures, but music files, videos, and just about anything else.

Step 1: Compressing the Files

The first thing you will do is make a new folder on the C drive. I will call this folder "x". Inside this folder, place the files to be hidden and the picture that will hide everything. The picture that will hide everything in it cannot have any spaces in the name, so I called it "Picture".

Step 2: Making a Zipped File

You will now make a compressed file. THIS IS ESSENTIAL!

Open your file compression software, and navigate to the folder you made. Make the files that will be hidden into a zipped file, and name it something simple, like "x".

I now have, in the "x" folder, a picture named "Picture.png" and a compressed file called "x.7z".

Step 3: Using CMD

Open CMD by going to Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt orStart, Run, and type CMD. Type the following into the window that pops up:


Press enter. Then type:

cd x

Press enter. Now, type the following, substituting the appropriate file and/or foler names:

copy /b Picture.png + x.7z NEWPICTURE.png

This is what everything means that you have just typed:
cd\: This takes the cmd to the C Drive.
cd x: This takes the cmd to the "x" folder in the C Drive.
copy /b: This makes a binary copy of the files Picture.png and x.7z.

Where it says HIDDEN FILES.png, you should put the name of the new picture with the same extension as the other picture that was copied (my other picture was a .png, so my new one is a .png).

If you did it right, then you should have a new picture saved in the "x" folder with whatever name you gave it. You can delete the original files you wanted hidden now.

Step 4: All Finished

There. Now you have a picture that has files hidden inside it. The picture can still be opened, although I do not know if it can be taken and edited, like in Adobe Photoshop. If someone can find out, please leave a comment to tell me.

To extract the files you put in the picture, open up your compression software and select the picture with the files inside it and extract them. A new folder will be created with the same name as the picture, and it will contain the files you hid.

If you want to take files to school and give them to a friend, this is a great way to do that, as the administrators, or "techies" as I call them, will not be able to find those files. Also, you do not have to hide only pictures and videos; you can hide text files, programs, sound files, and much more. You just have to make sure that they are compressed.

The only way that someone can tell if there are files inside a picture is if:
1) You tell them
2) They notice that your innocent picture of a bunny happens to be 4MB.

Other than that, you will have some undetectable files that you can cart arround with you, where ever you go.

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